
Ryder is a cheerful young boy with a beautiful smile. He enjoys music and watching shows with lots of singing, like Mr Tumble and Cocomelon.

He enjoys playing on his own at his own pace. He is a really good eater and tries anything once! Ryder shows symptoms of speech delays and has been referred to a consultant, and his communications skills have improved a lot since his current placement. Ryder is meeting all of the other milestones for his age.

Ryder’s birth mum has been diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable Disorder and used hard drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, also throughout her pregnancy with Ryder. He is now waiting further assessment for FADs. Ryder needs a family that can promote his dual heritage and is accepting of future developmental uncertainties.

Age: 2

Ethnicity: White Irish/Black Caribbean

*** Please note – this is an example profile based on some of the children we are currently family finding for.



